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Saturday, November 21, 2009

رحمك الله يا الامام الشافعي


رحمك الله يالامام الشافعي

أحـب الصالحيـن ولسـت منهـم

لعلـي أن أنـال بـهـم شفـاعـة

وأكـره مـن تجارتـه المعاصـي

ولـو كنـا سـواء فـي البضاعـة

يخاطبنـي السفيـه بكـل قـبـح

فأكـره أكــون لــه مجيـبـا

يزيـد سفاهـة فـأزيـد حلـمـا

كعـود زاده الإحـراق طيـبـا

شكوت إلى وكيـع سـؤ حفظـي

فأرشدني إلـى تـرك المعاصـي

وأخبرنـي بـأن العـلـم نــور

ونـور الله لا يـهـدى لعـاصـي

علـي ثيـاب لـو يبـاع جميعهـا

بفلس لكان الفلس منهـن أكثـرا

وفيهن نفس لـو تقـاس ببعضهـا

نفوس الورى كانت أجل وأكبرا

وما ضـر السيـف إغـلاق غمـده

إذا كان عضبا أين ما وجهته فرى

نعيـب زماننـا والعيـب فيـنـا

ومـال زماننـا عـيـب سـوانـا

ونهجو ذا الزمـان بغيـر ذنـب

ولـو نطـق الزمـان لنـا هجانـا

وليس الذئب يأكـل لحـم ذئـب

ويأكـل بعضنـا بـعـض عيـانـا

تموت الأسد في الغابـات جوعـا

ولحـم الضـأن تأكلـه الـكـلاب

وعبـد قـد ينـام علـى حـريـر

وذو نسـب مفارشـه الـتـراب

الدهر يومان ذا أمن وذا خطـر

والعيش عيشان ذا صفو وذا كدر

أما ترى البحر تعلو فوقـه جيـف

وتستقـر بأقصـى قاعـه الـدرر

وفي السماء نجـوم لا عـداد لهـا

وليس يكسف إلا الشمـس والقمـر

أخي لـن تنـال العلـم إلا بستـة

سأنبيـك عـن تفصيلهـا ببـيـان

ذكاء وحـرص واجتهـاد وبلغـة

وصحبـة أستـاذ وطـول زمــان

قالو سكت وقد خوصمت قلت لهم

إن الجواب لبـاب الشـر مفتـاح

والصمت عن جاهل أو أحمق شرفا

وفيه أيضا لصون العـرض إصـلاح

أما ترى الأسد تخشى وهي صامتة

والكلب يخسى لعمري وهو نبـاح

وعيناك إن أبدت إليـك مسـاؤا

فدعها وقل يا عين للنـاس أعيـن

فلا ينطقن منـك اللسـان بسـوءة

فكلـك سـوءات وللنـاس ألسـن

وعاشر بمعروف وسامح من اعتدى

ودافع ولكن بالتي هـي أحسـن

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Allow OVPI to send emails through Exchange 2007

Remember one thing that there is two tasks you should do

1- create Receive Connector to accept OVPI connection

2-PowerShell Command to assign Permission for anonymous to relay from OVPI

To troubleshoot this  Create dummy schedule and run the reports inside and you can open %dpipe_home%\log\piweb.log

If you got  Unable to relay


To use the Exchange Management Console to create a new Receive connector that grants the relay permission to anonymous connections

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console. Perform one of the following steps:

    1. To create a Receive connector on a computer that has the Edge Transport server role installed, select Edge Transport, and then in the work pane, click the Receive Connectors tab.
    2. To create a Receive connector on a Hub Transport server role, in the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and select Hub Transport. In the result pane, select the server on which you want to create the connector, and then click the Receive Connectors tab.
  2. In the action pane, click New Receive Connector. The New SMTP Receive Connector wizard starts.

  3. On the Introduction page, follow these steps:

    1. In the Name: field, type a meaningful name for this connector. This name is used to identify the connector.
    2. In the Select the intended use for this connector: field, select Custom.
    3. Click Next.
  4. On the Local network settings page, follow these steps:

    1. Select the existing All Available entry, and then click Remove icon.
    2. Click Add. In the Add Receive Connector Binding dialog box, select Specify an IP address. Type an IP address that is assigned to a network adapter on the local server that is best able to communicate with the remote messaging server.

Note: In simple exchange implementation, you can leave it as default.

    1. On the Local network settings page, in the Port field, type 25, and then click OK.
    2. Click Next.
  1. On the Remote Network settings page, follow these steps:

    1. Select the existing - entry, and then click Remove icon.
    2. Click Add or the drop-down arrow located next to Add and type the IP address or IP address range for the remote messaging server or servers that are allowed to relay mail on this server. When you are finished entering the IP addresses, click OK.
    3. Click Next.
  2. On the New Connector page, review the configuration summary for the connector. If you want to modify the settings, click Back. To create the Receive connector by using the settings in the configuration summary, click New.

  3. On the Completion page, click Finish.

In the work pane, select the Receive connector that you created.

  • Under the name of the Receive connector in the action pane, click Properties to open the Properties page.

  • Click the Permission Groups tab. Select Anonymous users.

  • Click OK to save your changes and exit the Properties page

Open the Exchange Management Shell.

  • Run the following command using the name of the Receive connector that you created in steps 1 through 11:

    Get-ReceiveConnector "Receive Connector Name" | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"



to list the Receive Connector Name you can type Get-ReceiveConnector

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Load MIB file in NNMi

to load mib file in NNMi

change to OV_bin dir


nnmincidentcfg.ovpl –u username –p password –loadMib <mib file location>

nnmloadmib.ovpl –u system –p password -resynch


Saturday, November 7, 2009

find text in the result of command

Some times when we execute commands we got lot of data that we do not want so if you want to search a result on command, you can pipe your command to find command like the below

cmd /c "net start | %SystemRoot%\system32\find /i "Reporter Service"