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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

HP iLO for iPhone and iPad

HP® iLO Mobile Toolbox provides access to the console of your HP ProLiant® server from your iPhone or iPad. Since it interacts directly with the HP Integrated Lights-Out (HP iLO) chip on ProLiant servers, this mobile app gives you total control over your server at all times. It can be healthy or it can be off with a blank hard-drive. Your server only needs to be plugged in. As an IT administrator you can now fix problems and do deployments while you are on the road from almost anywhere.

iPhone Screenshot 1

Besides what remote desktop applications normally do, this app will also allow you to do the following:

  • Operate the server’s power switch
  • View and interact with the server’s startup.
  • Make BIOS configuration changes.
  • Make option ROM configuration changes.
  • Interact with the operating system as it starts.
  • Install an operating system
  • View what is on the screen if the operating system crashes

iLO Mobile Toolbox also allows to you to mount an ISO CD/DVD image via HP iLO. This ISO will show up on the server as a USB CD/DVD drive. You can boot off of it and deploy an operating system.

iPad Screenshot 3

iLO Mobile Toolbox allows you to launch HP iLO scripts and monitor progress. The scripts are staged on your web server and downloaded into this mobile app as they are run.
