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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Import Configuration from NNMi 8.X to 9.x : Part 1

In this article I am just giving example of on of the configuration setting that can be exported from NNMi 8.x to NNMi 9.x
Node Groups “nodegroup.xml” file contains nodegroup information in XML format, in NNMi 9.x there one more attribute is needed in the xml file which is not part of the export details
Open in Wordpad nodegroup.xml
From edit menu –> replace
in find what <ns2:additionalNodes/>  and in replace with write <ns2:additionalNodes/> <ns2:calculateStatus>true</ns2:calculateStatus>

Note: I have used find and replace (as stated above "to search for and to replace it with the same tag plus the line needed" )to make it easy in adding the tag as bere the example below I have highlighted this line just to clarify that this is the only addition needed.
            <ns2:additionalNodes/> <ns2:calculateStatus>false</ns2:calculateStatus>             <ns2:children/>
            <ns2:name>APC (American Power Conversion)</ns2:name>
nnmconfigimport.ovpl -u system -p password -f nodegroup.xml