1- Configure OMW to forward all events to OMi
a- Create Server-Flexible Management Policy
# none
RESPMGRCONFIG DESCRIPTION "Forward all messages to HP OMi"
MSGTARGETRULE DESCRIPTION "forward all messages rule"
OPCMGR IP "dxb-bsm-01.mahmoudthoughts.com"
replace dxb-bsm-01.mahmoudthoughts.com with your OMi server.
b- Deploy the newly created policy to your OMW server and ensure it is enabled.
2- Configure HPOM Topology Sync
On BSM Console
Click Admin > Platform > Setup and Maintenance > Infrastructure Settings
Under Select Context select Operations Management from Applications
Browse to Operations Management - HPOM Topology Synchronization Connection Settings Section
Type your OM Server Hostname, User, password and change other options as needed.
Run opr-startTopologySync.bat from BSM bin directory
Check the result on Modeling Studio
Admin > ODB Administration > Modeling > Modeling Studio
Select Views from Resource Type list
Select OM CI Collections from Root > Operations Management
Click on Preview Icon
The Result should be the Node, Node Groups and Service Hierarchy
3- list the events forwarded by OMW
Click on Application > Operations Management
The list of events should be displayed under Event Perspective
In the video below I captured 30 seconds on generating test messages from OMW and how fast it shows in OMi
Hi, Thanks for your womderfull information...
am new on this technology .... I have got fdew chalange while migrating HP-OMU to HP-OMW ..
I have 10 hpux and linux servers which are currently monitored by outsourced HP-OMU and now I want same to be monitored by my new HP-OMW..without breaking any communication with my HP-OMU
Have tried with below command
# ./opcactivate -srv HP-OMW
But this says me warning as below
Warning: CERTIFICATE_SERVER already set to
To change use -f or -force_config_mode
Setting OV Control boot entry to true
So as I understand this will re-create certificate and will break connection with my old OM .
So please let me know how I can stablish the certificate relation with my new OM without breaking any any connection with my old OM .
Even I don't want to re-create certificate and ask old OM to update .
Please Help !!!
Await for your reply
Shirish Shukla
Great Job. I always visit your pages before HP tools deployment. Can you post videos for other tools integration with Omi ? i.e Sitescope..NNMi..NagioS , SCOM..etc
As i have installed HP OM 8.16, and when i configure the node with manually installed HTTPS agents, then the msg comes with critical n that node that Ov Broker Communication stopped. Unable to open c:\Documents and Settings\.....\ tmp\OPC\msgagt.svstat ??
What is the problem??
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