You are invited to take beta exam 71-654: TS: Windows Essential Business Server 2008, Configuring. If you pass the beta exam, the exam credit will be added to your transcript and you will not need to take the exam in its released form. The 71-xxx identifier is used for registering for beta versions of MCP exams, when the exam is released in its final form the 70-xxx identifier is used for registration.
By participating in beta exams, you have the opportunity to provide the Microsoft Certification program with feedback about exam content, which is integral to development of exams in their released version. We depend on the contributions of experienced IT professionals and developers as we continually improve exam content and maintain the value of Microsoft certifications.
71-654: TS: Windows Essential Business Server 2008, Configuring counts as credit towards the following certification(s).
· MCTS: Windows Essential Business Server 2008, Configuration
Registration began: July 22, 2008
Beta exam period runs: July 22, 2008– August 12, 2008
Receiving this invitation does not guarantee you a seat in the beta; we recommend that you register immediately. Beta exams have limited availability and are operated under a first-come-first-served basis. Once all beta slots are filled, no additional seats will be offered. However, the beta dates may be extended to meet the requisite number of candidates.
Testing is held at Prometric testing centers worldwide, although this exam may not be available in all countries (see Regional Restrictions). All testing centers will have the capability to offer this exam in its live version.
Regional Restrictions: India, Pakistan, China
You must register at least 24 hours prior to taking the exam.
Please use the following promotional code when registering for the exam: EBS08
Receiving this invitation does not guarantee you a seat in the beta; we recommend that you register immediately.
To register in North America, please call:
•Prometric: (800) 755-EXAM ( 800-755-3926 )Outside the U.S./Canada, please contact:
you can download the product from this link:
I did the exam today and I did see this exam is nice and did not need that deep information in the Windows Essential Server
assuming that I will success this exam
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