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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Install HP OM Agent on Windows

to install HPOM Agent formerly known as OVO agent on a Windows machine

you have to copy the source files to your Windows temp location “you can use ftp but be careful against the binary and ASCII files transfer modes for different files”

the files located in the HP OMU server in the following path.


xx.yyy is the version of the client depend on how your Management server is patched.

insure that there is FTP service is installed and SNMP service configured to answer the management server request about the machine type while you adding the new node

then launch the installation using cscript opc_inst.vbs

On the Management Server

At the same time you can go for adding new node by using the Manage Node Bank then Action --- Node --- Add



After the installation if you did not configure configuration file for the server information, you can use opcactivate.vbs to do the following.


C:\ms\x86\winnt\A.08.10.160\RPC_BBC>cscript "C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\\bin\OpC\install\opcactivate.vbs" -srv ia64-13 -cert_srv ia64-13
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

opcactivate Info: OVO activation script starting ...
opcactivate Info: Setting MANAGER to user supplied value ia64-13
opcactivate Info: Getting core ID of OVO system ia64-13 ...
opcactivate Info: Pinging OVO system ia64-13 using BBC ...
opcactivate Info: Successfully pinged OVO system ia64-13. Parsing results file out.out ...
opcactivate Info: Core ID of OVO system ia64-13 is 1bbd1b10-eb84-7535-1e49-a630571e5970
opcactivate Info: Setting CERTIFICATE_SERVER to user supplied value ia64-13
opcactivate Warning: Not registering opcauth.dll. Passwordless switch-user operations for OVO actions will not be possible.
opcactivate Info: Not disabling remote trace access.
opcactivate Info: Killing OV services ...
opcactivate Info: Killed OV services.
opcactivate Info: Starting OVO agent ...
opcactivate Info: Successfully started OVO agent.
opcactivate Info: Successfully activated OVO agent.



On the OVO server

to insure communcation for your new client you have to make the server trust the client certificate

so Select ActionNodes --- OVO Node Certificate Requests



Select the node from the Managed Nodes Bank then click on Map to Selected Node


After successful mapping select Grant

note: you will get this error message if your are not configuring DNS or HOSTs file correctly


Who are Terrorists? said...

Excellent work Mahmoud. Waiting for the windows agent automatic installation guide.

Mohamed Heikal

Mahmoud Ibrahim said...

I will do my best

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot mahmoud. really great work.

Mostafa Fawzy

Anonymous said...

Great Work Mah...

really you are wonderfull and Helpfull

thanks for the good staff

Anonymous said...

cool, thank you, and how to reinstall agent?

Mahmoud Ibrahim said...

You can remove it and then reinstall it back

BARANI said...

i am not able to map the certificate on the node. ovo certificate request showing node is already mapped to another node. please advice

BARANI said...

hi Mahmoud Ibrahim. am not able to map the certificate on the node. ovo certificate request showing node is already mapped to another node. please advice

incracks said...

Such a Nice post. Thanks for Awesome tips Keep it up

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